List Of Things To Do When You're Feeling Low.

October 01, 2016

1. Read a joke 
2. Join Tumblr
3. Make a handmade card for someone you love.
4. Bake something with a friend
5. Go for a gentle walk
6. Snuggle with your cat/dog
7. Doodle something thoughtlessly
8. Make a healthy tonic smoothie for yourself
9. Get rid of someone negative from your life
10. Watch movies from your childhood days
11. Write down your negative thoughts and swap them with productive ones
12. Start a journal
13. Stop keeping scores
14. Read a page of the dictionary 
15. Write a letter to your future self
16. Change the way you dress up
17. Talk it out with your precious ones
18. Long phone calls
19. enjoy a chocolate milk
20. Take a picture of yourself (everyday)
​21. Avoid TV
22. Do something that scares you
23. Do something spontaneous
24. Buy a homeless person a full meal
25, Compliment yourself
26. Adopt an abandoned animal
27. Watch rom-coms
28 Make a scrapbook.
29. Watch horror films
30. S
pend time with your parents.

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