DIY Banana Mask - Your Skin Will THANK You For It!! | Wander Through My Eyes

October 26, 2016

This banana + yogurt and oats beauty mask will leave your skin feeling silky soft and healthy instantly. Achieve perfect glow', even-toned, and flawless skin, using all natural ingredients straight from your kitchen..

Rich in vitamins A, B, C and E along with minerals like potassium, zinc, iron and manganese which promote elasticity of the skin premature aging restores dry/damaged skin and dead skin cells 

Yogurt contains lactic and an alpha hydroxy acid Vitamin B12, that dissolve dead skin cells dark patches tighten pores protecting against sun damage and even out tone.

Oats contains vitamin e folic acid flavonoid which cleanses pores and treats eczema/rashes, prevent flaky skin improving the skin texture The lubricating fats in oats allow oatmeal to be a great moisturizer which protect the layer over the skin to fight harsh UV rays

So who needs botox when this mask can do the trick right? This face mask can be made right at home, with natural ingredients locking in all the benefits Regular application of this masks is highly beneficial to make your skin appear firm and tighter. 



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