Here Are My Favorite 30 Positive Affirmations, You Can Practice For Getting Through Life's Rough Chapter | Wander Through My Eyes

We are often too busy criticizing ourselves or are so much focused on worrying about what we are not how that we're not good enough of something.. Instead of sitting stoned in your room and let your thoughts eat you up inside out,

So, its time to step outside get some fresh air and remind yourself who you are, who you want to be what you choose to become if you cannot connect to the person you look at everyday in the mirror, you wont be able to connect with the rest of the world, now tell me would you be fascinated or love to be with someone who doesn’t appreciate themselves or are ashamed of themselves, criticize themselves OF COURSE NOT! Nothing about them will magnetize you towards them, So do you get the philosophy right here? See it’s that simple, in order to be loved you need to love yourself, discover ways to love yourself know how to love yourself, the rest will just fall into place..

There is this quote “if you don’t love yourself you’ll always be chasing after people who don’t love you either” remember  “greatness attracts greatness”, I don’t suggest you should love yourself FIRST, neither I suggest you should love yourself LAST, besides loving yourself doesn’t make you selfish or self centered in any kind of way, it a way to embrace yourself to  Make peace with yourself and set yourself free!! 

Here are  my favorite 30 positive affirmations you can practice for getting through life's rough chapter 

Positive affirmation means silently or loudly rehearsing some specific statement until you finally believe it (fake it 'til you make it, kind of like that) this not only will free you from distress it will help you lead a fulfilling, more positive life also will boost and build your confidence.

1. I give not to receive
2. Everyone deserve to be happy even me
3. I am improving each day
4. I always move forward
5. I follow my bliss
6. I am enough, I have enough, I do enough.
7. I have the power to create change
8. I choose to see the best side of circumstances
9. I am loved loving and lovable
10. I am in charge of how I feel today
11. What others think of me is their choice what I think of myself is my choice
12. I think about what could go right than what could go wrong.
13. I do more of what makes me feel alive
14. I can I will. End of the story
15. So far I’ve survived 100% of my worst days, I’m doing great
16. I am in the process of becoming the best version of myself
17. I choose to be kind to myself.
18. The person I am is creating the person I wish to be
19. I celebrate every small success
20. I am grateful for all the little things in life
21. I choose faith over fear
22. Good flows to me good flows from me
23. As long as I am better today than I was yesterday, I’m good.
24. I love every cell of my body
25. I am grateful to be alive today
26. I honor who I am, how I am.
27 I am worth loving
28. I am breathing
29. I am at peace within
30 I am here, now.

♥ Trust me you don’t need to be perfect to motivate someone, You inspire someone by how you deal with your own demons so embrace yourself with No exceptions. No conditions. No restraint. Share it with others who even need a little boost. Make someone’s day ♥


  1. Really Inspiring :)

  2. Beautiful, Fatema. Such a motivational piece for those who are hard on themselves <3 Keep writing!

  3. I am so glad I came across your blog :)


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